Social Media Business: A method you must implement in your company if you want to be part of the valuable industry 4.0

Social Media Business: A method you must implement in your company if you want to be part of the valuable industry 4.0

Last updated on August 8th, 2022 at 06:00 pm

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Since the internet arrived in companies the innovation and evolution of modern technologies are more frequent day to day. Without a doubt, the technological advances that we have suffered in recent decades have caused companies to have to adapt and continue to do so. For this reason, the managers and leading roles of companies have changed radically, leaving traditional schemes.

This is how new skills are needed to understand the business world today in what is considered the Fourth Industrial Revolution or the well-known industry 4.0. The enterprises that have specialized people focused and trained with a Professional Master’s Degree MBA in IT Management (CTO, Chief Technical Officer) tends to succeed.

A branch that is part of this managerial part is the social business, a concept that encloses the strategies, technologies, and processes that an organization implements to involve all the individuals of its ecosystem and thus be able to improve its value through digitalization.

What is the difference between Social Business and Social Media?

Usually, companies confuse both terms as the name is similar. However, social media strategies are proposed and worked on by the marketing department with the aim of attracting customers and increasing sales. They are focused on the image that is given to the public from the marketing of the company through social networks.

On the other hand, social business refers to the transformation that companies must carry out, from the ground up to become ‘social.’ In other words, it is supposed to stop behaving distantly and start behaving as people who interact with each other with a common goal, creating proximity with the client.

Although they are not the same, both concepts are related. And if the purpose is to apply the concept of Social Business in a company, the professional must have knowledge of all the Social Media tools and have the skills to handle these two methods simultaneously.

The three Ps

To get the best results in Social Business it is necessary to follow the cornerstone of business success: The three Ps which consist of variables to understand how to handle processes, collaborators, and products for maximum yield.

  1. Platforms: It deals with the analysis, CRMs, internal collaborations or checking of the main platforms and social channels.
  2. Process: Include Social Media policies, technological integration, customer service or expansion strategies for growth.
  3. People: Employee behaviors, partner engagements, collaborations, executive support, and customer behavior are considered.

Efforts must be focused on these three points to achieve the success of the social business strategy, as it is a compliment, actions must be set up for the execution of a plan and achieve the goal to be recognized as a company in continuous learning and innovation in its structures.

Benefits of implementing Social Business in companies

The relationship with customers will be better, companies will obtain better knowledge and improve in supplying more humane and faster treatment, which will be reflected in the satisfaction and feedback provided by them.

On the other hand, it is important to have employees involved in the conversation and motivated because it will increase engagement and productivity within the company. Also, it opens the possibility for current ideas to arise, supplying the factor of constant innovation.

Finally, if a company becomes more committed and shows what it is like, customers are going to notice it. In addition, if a better work environment and content are provided, it will increase your reputation and will be useful for your growth as a valuable company.

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