Job VS Business, Which Is Better

Job VS Business, Which Is Better

Last updated on October 7th, 2021 at 11:56 am

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If you think about the job vs business debate, both sides have equal supporters but in the present world, we have positively seen the rise of entrepreneurship over employment. But opening a business is not everyone’s cup of tea.

In this article we’re gonna discuss the positive and negative aspects of Job and Business, so you can have a better career choice for you.

  1. Risk Factors: If you’re doing the job, no matter what kind of job it is. It’s going in one direction without any interruption. If you’re going to lose your job, you’ve got your portfolio or records and experiences to enter in another office with a good post. But when it comes to business, the story isn’t the same anymore. As a business owner, you will spend time learning multiple things, plus the employers will be sceptical after seeing a business written on your profile. You can be kicked out of a job and yet find a new job and you can lose your business overnight and starting new or finding a job will be a nightmare. In that case, a job is better than a Business.
  1. Money Making: When it comes to financial outputs from a business. Then you must know that businesses have no such income limits. On the other hand, in a job, you’ve to wait for a certain time to achieve a hike no matter how good your skill is. Here business is better than a job.
  1. Needs of Efforts: Efforts will take so many years to build a successfully stable business and to make the right team. It can also take years to climb the stairs and become a top class executive employee in a job. However, in business you will have to make much more compromises, sacrifices, giving up on things, strong will, pressure, and tension. That’s why in that case, Job is easier than a Business.
  1. Freedom Opportunities: It’s completely true that after a specific position and a certain time, there is no one freer than a leader or boss. Nonetheless, by the time you reach that stage, you would hate being free and being free will come at the cost of the loss or slow down of business. For a regular employee, they can be busy or free based on their management and abilities to handle clients and managers. Jobs are better than Business here.
  1. Learnings: Well, it’s quite subjective. In most cases, it depends on the mentality and characteristics of a person. But if you see in general, employees have to learn how to be better at their job and improve their skills. On the other hand, a boss has to manage and learn so many aspects of the field. So it
  1. Lifestyle: There’s no doubt that a job person has a better life to enjoy rather than a business person. Because a business owner has to manage so many things together and most of the time, it’s hectic.

Now basically you see that comparison between job and business doesn’t have any single result. It comes with so many pros and cons from both sides. Now you’ve to choose what you want in your lifestyle.

Author Bio:

Inspired by the book ‘The Rules of Work’ and his experience working at some of the top global brands such as Unilever and Samsonite. Shivank undertook a mission to bring in fact-based, non-bullshitty career advice which helps the millennial workforce grab more opportunities and grow faster in their career. He documents this journey on his blog about the challenges faced by him and his colleagues on a day-to-day basis. Check him out on

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