Essentials of Automation Testing and Key Tools for Web and Mobile Development

Essentials of Automation Testing and Key Tools for Web and Mobile Development

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Program testing uses automation testing as a key technique to validate program functioning against expected results. This method further groups test cases into different suites, such as Active, In Progress, and Completed, by using the capability of testing tools to script and run the tests. It is superior to manual testing since it saves a lot of time and lowers the possibility of mistakes, making it possible to test the same application again with little to no manual assistance.

The Significance of Automation Testing

Software that receives regular updates or bug fixes is best suited for automation testing. In such cases, manually testing both new and old features becomes an overwhelming undertaking. When substantial regression testing is required or applications have stable user interfaces across multiple capabilities, automation technologies excel at offering effective and economical solutions.

Advantages of Automation Testing

  • Enhances productivity
  • Saves money
  • Improves software quality
  • Reduces testing time
  • Supports varied applications
  • Expands testing coverage
  • Minimises repetitive tasks
  • Ensures consistency

Tools for Web Application Automation Testing

  • Selenium: Selenium is a mainstay of web application UI automation testing; it facilitates script authoring in many programming languages for a variety of operating systems and browsers. For all its flexibility, one significant disadvantage is that building automation frameworks requires a high level of programming knowledge. 
  • Mabl: Offers scriptless end-to-end testing integrated with delivery pipelines, employing machine learning to automatically identify and address application issues, including UI changes and regression insights.
  • Tricentis Tosca: Well-known for offering a full testing suite that includes analytics, reporting, test design, and automation. It supports many different protocols and standards and interacts nicely with DevOps operations.
  • Unified Functional Testing, or UFT: UFT is a highly recommended tool for testing desktop, auction website development. It supports a wide range of API testing activities and is renowned for its clever object detection skills.
  • Rational Functional Tester (RFT): An IBM tool designed for testing applications built with various languages and technologies, offering features like storyboard testing and ScriptAssure for resilience against UI changes.

Tools for Mobile App Automated Testing

  • Appium: A free and open-source tool that supports a number of programming languages for testing iOS and Android apps. It makes cross-platform testing of native, mobile app development, and hybrid apps easier.
  • Robotium: Focuses on testing Android applications, enabling effective black box test cases for Java-coded native and hybrid applications.
  • MonkeyRunner: With tests written in Python, this tool provides tools for device control, regression testing, and more. It is specifically designed for testing at the device and functional levels.
  • UI Automator: Designed for Android 4.1 and later devices, this program focuses on user interface testing for Android apps. It easily combines with Android applications.
  • Selendroid: Evaluates the user interface of native, hybrid, and mobile web applications running on Android. It complies with the JSON wire standard and allows for simultaneous device connections.


To effectively accomplish testing objectives, automation testing is a vital tactic that necessitates careful tool selection based on the requirements of the application. Selecting the appropriate tool is essential for creating software that meets high standards, even though no tool can satisfy every demand.

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