Roadrunner email services grab a lot of popularity and fame among the audience. The reason behind this is that roadrunner email service is a popular choice among the users because it provides webmail services in such a way that they stand unique from other services. If you are using an iPhone and want to use the roadrunner email account on it then first of all you need to set up your roadrunner email on iPhone. The roadrunner on the iPhone can be set with two ways among which one is IMAP and the other is SMTP. Thus, if you are looking for the steps to configure the email account of a roadrunner on your iPhone using IMAP then you will get them in this article.
How to establish a roadrunner email account on iPhone using IMAP
- First of all, you have to tap on the settings of your Apple device after which you need to choose the option in which you will find contacts, emails, and calendars.
- Once you choose this option, you need to select the option of adding an account which you will find at the screen top in the accounts section.
- When you will click on the add account option, you will get a new window. On this screen, there are lists of popular email account hosts among which you need to choose the option of others.
- Once you choose the other option, you have to choose the option to add a mail account after which you will find a new window screen. This new screen encloses different setting options of roadrunner email, which have to be provided accurately. There is also an option of the name in which you need to enter your bane that you wish for your email account.
- The other option is an email address, where you have to insert your email id. Keep this thing in your mind that the form of your email id should be
- There is another option of password, where you have to provide your password and one last option is present there which is of description field. In the field of description, you need to write something as it will be shown as a name in the account list on your phone.
- Once all the information is entered appropriately, you need to select the next button.
- When you will click on the Next button, the verification process starts and your device starts showing you the message during this process. Such messages are like “Want the information of account” and “Verifying the account data”.
- Once this verification process will get completed, then the contacts, emails and calendars screen will start showing you the list of email addresses under the option of ‘Accounts’ after which you need to check that the server settings of email are populated automatically or not. If yes then it’s well and good and if no, then you can choose to complete the manual settings.
After following these steps, you will be able to set up your roadrunner email on iPhone. But sometimes, it requires manual settings. Thus let us tell you the manual settings also so that you will be able to set up your account anyhow.
Manual settings to set up your roadrunner email on iPhone
- When you will fill all the information and click on the next button then you will get a new window. On this screen, you need to select POP.
- Along with this, you need to fill out the incoming mail server and outgoing mail server settings. Firstly, let’s fill out incoming mail server settings, and then we will go to an outgoing mail server setting. Thus, in incoming settings, you should provide the incoming mail server host, where you have to enter
- After this, you need to fill the username and password. In username you need to enter and in password, you have to put in the password of your account.
- Now, come to the settings of the outgoing mail server in which you have to provide an outgoing mail server host as
- On completing this, you have to provide the username and password. In username you have to put and in password, you have to provide the password of your account.
- Then you have to select the save option.
If you will face any trouble while establishing your account, then you should get in touch with the Roadrunner email support at any time.

We’re the Roadrunner tech service providers for Roadrunner email on iPhone settings problems. Roadrunner helpline is simply an internet email service support provider Roadrunner email is set up by Time Warner Cable. The information provided within this website is updated on a regular interval and there is no guarantee about the information that has been provided.