A Guide To Starting A Web Design Business

A Guide To Starting A Web Design Business

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If you are reading this article, then you are probably considering or wanting to start a web design business. Lucky for you, it is a great time to start a web design business and it has never been easier with so many businesses, people, and organizations needing or wanting a website.

This article will help guide you in your journey to starting a website design business. The information and tips here will help to start your business easier, after all, it’s easier to get somewhere if you have a roadmap.

Pretty much every business needs a website and it also seems like everyone wants a website as well. That’s a pretty big market if you ask me and this is true no matter what part of the world you are in. You can also see that others have started and are running successful web design businesses, and seeing is believing for many people.

With that being said, let me walk you through some of the things that you are going to need to start your website design business.

Learn Web Design

You will need to learn how to design websites if you don’t already. Luckily for you, it is relatively easy to learn web design and it doesn’t take long to learn either. On top of that, there are many resources and tools to make creating and designing websites easier.

So, where can I go to learn web design? You can go to YouTube as well as other video platforms like Udemy. Learning web design is more of a visual process most of the time. YouTube offers many videos and countless hours or material that teach every aspect of web design for free. Udemy is also another great resource for web design videos, especially videos that go more in-depth on whatever the video is about. Udemy offers some free videos, but most are paid, however, the quality that you get for the relatively low price that you pay is great.

You will also want to search for tutorials and references on search engines like Google and Brave. You can find almost any web design information by doing a quick search.

Getting started learning web design is pretty easy, and you will only get better as you learn more and gain more skills.

Pick A Niche For Your Business

It is tempting to want to think that you will look for and take whatever business that you can get, but it makes it much easier to pick a niche within a field, especially when starting out. Picking a niche lets you focus the time and energy that you have on a few things that you can actually get good at because you will be able to dedicate time and energy towards them.

Picking a niche also makes it easier to become well-known within specific web design fields. For example, if you concentrate on creating and designing online stores, it will make it a lot easier and save you a lot of time when it comes to getting clients.

Choose A Business Name

When it comes to choosing a name for your web design business, there is no right or wrong name, but there are some things to consider. For example, you wouldn’t want to give your web design business the name of “Johh’s Plumbing”. The name and your web design business would not go well together. You will obviously want your business to be congruent with your web design business.

One thing that is common and to consider is whether or not to include your personal as part of your web design business. Having a personal name as part of a business almost always makes it difficult to sell a business if the owner wants to later on.

A trend that has become more and more common is to give businesses names that get attention. For example, instead of naming a web design business “Bob’s Web Design” which can be a generic name and easy to forget or misremember, naming it something like “The World’s Best Web Design Company” can make it stand out and easier to remember which can make it easier to get clients.

What Software And Tools Do You Need?

Besides having the people and business skills necessary to start and run a web design business, there is also software and other resources that you will need. This includes web design software, photo, and image editing and creating software, accounting software, and more.

Unless you are creating and designing websites from scratch, you are going to need to use some kind of website design software. Most web designers use WordPress to create and design websites and even use additional software in addition to WordPress to make the process of making and designing easier and quicker.

WordPress is a free CMS software that lets you create and manage websites easily and quickly. Elementor is a WordPress plugin that makes it even easier to create and design websites by letting you drag and drop elements onto the screen.

You will also want to begin using accounting software either from the start or soon after.

Two things that you will obviously need are a domain name and web hosting. You can get a domain name from a registrar such as GoDaddy and you can find a cheap web hosting service at WebsiteHostingCouponCodes.com.

As you progress or grow your web design business, you can add more skills and different software to your toolbox.

Decide Who Your Clients Will Be

You will want to decide early on whether you are going to cater to a specific niche, or whether you are going to look for and take on any business that comes your way. There really is no right or wrong way to go about it. Each method has its own advantages.

You may want to accept almost any web design business that comes your way just to get you going. This is understandable because you have expenses to pay and you want to get your business up and rolling as fast as you can. It can be hard to be choosy when you are starting out. There is nothing wrong with this method, however, you might want to decide to focus on specific types of clients that you will try to get as time goes on.

Deciding on a specific niche can help you focus on a few things. This can allow you to streamline many of the processes within your business. The fewer moving parts there are as part of your business, the easier it becomes to focus on the most important parts.

You want to be able to focus on getting better as a web designer and developer and on getting and keeping clients. Your chances of getting more quality and better clients is somewhat connected to you becoming a better web designer. You want to get good at what you do to the point where you get business from word of mouth.


Starting a web design business takes work and perseverance, like any other business. Hopefully, this article will help guide you along your journey in starting and running your successful web design business.

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